Hippo Hunts

Hunt Hippo in South Africa

Rifle Only 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide ) ONLY $10,900 /HUNTER !!!

2024 / 2025
This is a hunt for an exportable bull hippo on a government reserve in South Africa's Northwest Province. The hippo may be taken in the water or on dry land, depending on the circumstances. The hunt is for 7 full hunting days, you will stay in a 3.5-star lodge featuring great food, and plains game hunting and Cape buffalo are available after you have taken your hippo.

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Discounted Crocodile and Hippo Hunt in South Africa

RIFLE ONLY - 1 x 1 (One Hunter / One PH ) Only $12,000 ALL IN!!!

2021 / 2022
This combo hunt for crocodile and hippo is the greatest value on these two aquatics in all of Africa. This seven-day hunt will take place in South Africa's northern Limpopo Province near Polokwane on a dammed lake on a private hunting concession. This hunt includes both trophy fees! Yes, you read this right. It includes all daily rates and both trophy fees! Quantity is limited so don't let this deal pass you by!

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Hunt Crocodile and Hippo in Zimbabwe

Rifle-Black Powder 1x1 (1 Hunter–1 Guide) ONLY $22,850 / HUNTER!!!

2022 / 2023
This is an incredible opportunity to hunt crocodile and hippo in Zimbabwe at a great price! This renowned Big 5 outfitter has put together a great package for the hunter that wants to a free-range hunt for the dangerous game aquatics at a great price with the opportunity to take a monster! Hunters have enjoyed a 100% success rate on this hunt over the last several years. This hunt will take place on Lake Kariba, in the Binga area of Zimbabwe. Binga is only a short 3 hour drive from Victoria Falls, so no expensive charter flights are required.

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Hunt Hippo in Zimbabwe

Rifle-Black Powder 1x1 ( 1 Hunter – 1 Guide) ONLY $14,192 / HUNTER !!!

2022 / 2023
This is an incredible opportunity to hunt hippo in Zimbabwe at a great price! This renowned Big 5 outfitter has put together a great package for the hunter that wants a free-range hunt for a trophy hippopotamus at a great price with the opportunity to take a monster! Hunters have enjoyed a 100% success rate on this hunt over the last several years. This hunt will take place on Lake Kariba, in the Binga area of Zimbabwe. Binga is only a short 3 hour drive from Victoria Falls, so no expensive charter flights are required.

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Hippo Hunts

Many hunters that have a goal of taking Africa’s big five dangerous game animals decide to add a hippo hunt along with a crocodile hunt to upgrade their achievement to what is called the “Dangerous Seven”.   Very few hunters will start out their big game quest with a hippo hunt.  but many will eventually arrive at the decision to go hippo hunting in Africa..  A hippo hunt can be very dangerous whether the hippo is in the water or out of it. Hippos kill a good amount of people each year in the rural areas of Africa.  Bull hippos can be very aggressive while in the water and will vigorously attack boats and people that get to close to them.  Many a villager has been killed when an enraged hippo suddenly attacked their canoe and tipped them over and attacked them.  One bite from their enormous tusks can kill a man instantly.  Hippos are equally as dangerous on land and each year, natives are killed when walking the hippo’s paths between their nighttime feeding grounds and the water.  When startled, a hippo will flee towards the water and anything in its path is in peril.

Hippos are found throughout central and southern Africa and range southwards to Northern South Africa.  Hippopotamus are found in most bodies of water including lakes, rivers and streams.  They do require year-round water, as they spend the majority of the daytime in water to keep cool.  Many larger populations are now protected.  Hippo hunting occurs in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and South Africa.  Many times a hippo hunt and a crocodile hunt are combined into a specialty safari.  Popular locations for hunting these aquatics include Lake Kariba on the Zimbabwe / Zambia border and Lake Cahorra Bassa in Mozambique.

A hippo hunt in Africa is usually conducted in one of two ways.  The first way is by stealthily sneaking along river and lake banks looking for a mature hippo bull.  Once a suitable bull is located, an accurate shot is required to harvest the trophy bull.  Many times the bull will sink down and the hunters must wait patiently on the bank for decomposition gasses to cause the downed hippo to rise and float on the surface.  The other way of taking a hippo hunt is to try to intercept the hippo traveling to or from his dry land feeding grounds.  Many times a hippo hunt will occur at night and this can be the basis for a dangerous and exciting adventure.


"Talk about dreams being handed to you!!  From John's recommendation to stay at the AfricaSky Hotel to the outfitter he booked me with, I was treated like royalty.   Next year's hunt won't require research past his website.  Thanks John."

David Mabe
Kentucky, USA
September 2016


"This was our first time to Africa and it was incredible. We were able to harvest all the animals on our wish list and they were fantastic quality trophies.  I would recommend this hunt as you are only about 2 hours from Johannesburg. Thanks to Discount African Hunts we connected with an awesome outfitter and took some great trophies!."

Troy N.
May, 2015

"Best advice I can give is don't let the word DISCOUNT scare you. I was skeptical but I have hunted all over and I can tell you these trips are top notch! Everything was described accurately, no surprises. I took 9 trophies - almost every one made gold medal. I would highly recommend John Martins and Discount African Hunts. I already have another trip booked with them and I am looking at 2 more. I got everything I wanted and saved thousands doing it!"

John Schultz
June 2019