Hunting Genet in Africa
The African Genet (Genetta genetta) is often called a cat and looks like a cat with an elongated snout. However, it is not a cat but is closer to a mongoose. When hunting genet in Africa, look for their spotted coat, long, banded tail, small head, and large ears. The genet can fit through any opening the size of its head. Adult genets weigh between 2.2 to 6.6 pounds, and their bodies range between 17 to 23 inches long. Their tails are longer than their bodies, and that helps their balance when in trees.
Genets are highly agile animals that possess very good climbing skills, and can stand on their back legs. They can run, walk, trot, jump and climb trees. The male is slightly larger than the female, and is more active at night. Part of this is due to the male’s need for more nourishment because of their size. Genets are solitary animals, only pairing up for mating. The female becomes sexually mature at two years. Gestation is 70-80 days. The female will produce a litter of two to four, twice a year. Males play no part in raising the offspring, leaving all the upbringing to the female. Females prefer to live in thickets, where they can hide their litter, while males stay in the trees.
Genets are solitary predators, feeding on both plants and animals, but they prefer animals. They are omnivorous, feeding on mice, shrews, bats, birds, eggs, centipedes, fruits, twigs, and olives. When available, they will eat chickens from farms. They will climb trees to catch birds and steal eggs from nests. Predators that hunt genet in Africa include owls, snakes, leopards, fox and dogs.
They prefer to live in habitats with dense vegetation such as bushes, thickets and forests. Because of their solitary nature, genets will seek out their own territory, and defend it from other males. They are nocturnal, most active in the early morning hours and just after sunset.
Genets are inquisitive, but very cautious animals, and are easily startled. A genet can squeeze its body through any opening large enough for its head to pass through. It is virtually impossible to hold a genet who does not wish to be held. When attacked, genets can even turn inside of their skin to facilitate escape. Genets will bite when frightened or cornered, but generally use their bites as a warning, rarely attacking with the ferocity of which they are capable.
Hunting genet in Africa is done by spot and stalk. They are best hunted as animals of opportunity while hunting other game and are usually hunted at night with a spotlight. They are small animals and a large caliber rifle is not required for hunting genet in Africa. Any small centerfire that is legal in the country you are hunting in will do just fine. A good choice for genet would be the .223 caliber with the Barnes 55 grain Triple Shock bullet or any .22 caliber rifle with a solid bullet. Try to find a mature male to hunt. Set your crosshairs on the center of the genet’s chest.